Products that I love: Coffee-mate Natural Bliss

I drink a lot of coffee and I just can't stand it plain. At work all day, that used to mean using the traditional flavored creamers they provide there for free. The strange aftertaste combined with the slight headache I always had after drinking my coffee never concerned me enough to force me to make a change but I did sort of worry in the back of my head about what I might be putting into my body.

At BlogHer earlier this year, Coffee-mate had a tasting booth for their newest offering. Natural Bliss is made with milk, cream, sugar, and flavors derived from natural sources (like vanilla bean or caramelized sugar). From that very first sample, I was hooked. No funky aftertaste. No headache after drinking. And because it tastes so good, I don't need to use as much to get my coffee the way I like to drink it.

I'm trying to buy products with the fewest and highest quality ingredients possible as part of developing a healthy life. Knowing what's in the things in my home is important to me. So is being able to pronounce all of them. Natural Bliss fits into that plan perfectly.

Note: I have not been compensated for this review and the opinions expressed are all mine. I did receive a coupon for a discount on Natural Bliss while at BlogHer and used it for my purchase.


Anita said…
I have the same issue but since I'm lactose-intolerant (and HATE all the crap that's in the non-dairy stuff) I use Torani Sugar-Free Coffee Syrups - I find them cheapest at Smart & Final and best of all S&F usually has a lot of flavors. My fav is Vanilla Bean. ;-)


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