Quick update on my health

I had my three month follow up with my doctor on Friday to go over the results of my lab work. The conversation was very different this time.

Every single test result has improved. My Hemoglobin A1C (measures blood sugar over a three month period) was back in the "good diabetic control" range. My triglycerides are less than 10% of what they were in May. My overall cholesterol has dropped back under 200, and my HDL/LDL ratio is right where it's supposed to be. While my microalbumin test (which checks for protein in the urine, a sign of possible kidney disease) was elevated, it was lower than last time, so I'm taking that as a good sign.

I do, however, need to work to get more exercise in my life. In the last couple of months, I've virtually stopped all walking except the monthly 5Ks, and that just can't continue. My eating has improved in a non-diet way and that's good, but regular, moderate exercise is critical to my continued ability to control my blood sugar, so I have to find a way to fit it back in.


AWEsome progress, Denise! What fantastic motivation to kick your exercise program into higher gear!

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