Operation "All I Want for Christmas" II
Hello dear and persistent readers,
Yes, I know...I haven't posted in forever and I keep throwing out totally random thoughts. I'm sorry and I'd love to say that it's going to get better soon, but I try not to lie online. (In real life, you're taking your chances. OK, that's not strictly true, but it makes me sound more interesting, so let's just move on, shall we?)
Last year I asked those with an extra holiday card lying around to send a greeting to my far away husband, TCB. We were both really touched by the number of folks who took time out of their busy holidays to send holiday good wishes to TCB (even though he didn't think he deserved any recognition for his service, but that's a topic for a separate post) and I wanted to do something similar this year, so I'm asking all of you who are willing and able to participate in the Red Cross "Holiday Mail Call' Program. Below are the details:
The American Red Cross is pleased to announce that it will sponsor a national “Holiday Mail Call” program
in 2008 as it did in 2007! Last year the Red Cross reviewed and distributed over 600,000 cards to our wounded service members at hospitals around the country and overseas. This year we want to expand who
is reached with the holiday greeting cards to include not only our wounded warriors, but all service
members and their families, as well as veterans. Our goal is to reach 1,000,000 persons this year to show our appreciation for their service and wish them well over the holiday season and with your help we will!
Start Date of the Program: Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2008
Mailing Address:
Red Cross Holiday Mail Call
P.O. Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD 20791‐5456
•The Guidelines below should be followed to enable a quick reviewing process as well as to ensure that
cards are not offensive in any way to anyone who might receive one:
1. Please ensure all cards are signed
2. Please send cards as opposed to long letters which delay a quick review process
3.Please do not include e‐mail or home addresses on the cards as the program is not meant to foster pen pal
•Please do not insert photos, money, religious articles (i.e.‐rosary beads, prayer cards, etc), glitter, ‘snow’ or
like items in cards as these items will be removed during the reviewing process
•Phone cards or gift cards will not be accepted with cards. Those wishing to send calling cards or gift
cards/certificates should go to www.aafes.com, scroll down to “AAFES Community Connection” and click on
“Help Our Troops Call Home” or “Gift Cards/Certificates for Our Troops” in order to send such items
•No ‘Care Packages’ will be accepted at this address. Those wishing to send care packages should go to
www.AmericaSupportsYou.com and click under “Home front Groups” to find out how to send care packages
•Participants are requested not to send more than 25 cards from any one person or 50 cards from any one
•End Date of the Program: All cards must be postmarked no later than Wednesday, December 10, 2008
You have the power to make a military family's holidays a little brighter for the cost of a card and domestic postage - think about it.
Yes, I know...I haven't posted in forever and I keep throwing out totally random thoughts. I'm sorry and I'd love to say that it's going to get better soon, but I try not to lie online. (In real life, you're taking your chances. OK, that's not strictly true, but it makes me sound more interesting, so let's just move on, shall we?)
Last year I asked those with an extra holiday card lying around to send a greeting to my far away husband, TCB. We were both really touched by the number of folks who took time out of their busy holidays to send holiday good wishes to TCB (even though he didn't think he deserved any recognition for his service, but that's a topic for a separate post) and I wanted to do something similar this year, so I'm asking all of you who are willing and able to participate in the Red Cross "Holiday Mail Call' Program. Below are the details:
The American Red Cross is pleased to announce that it will sponsor a national “Holiday Mail Call” program
in 2008 as it did in 2007! Last year the Red Cross reviewed and distributed over 600,000 cards to our wounded service members at hospitals around the country and overseas. This year we want to expand who
is reached with the holiday greeting cards to include not only our wounded warriors, but all service
members and their families, as well as veterans. Our goal is to reach 1,000,000 persons this year to show our appreciation for their service and wish them well over the holiday season and with your help we will!
Start Date of the Program: Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2008
Mailing Address:
Red Cross Holiday Mail Call
P.O. Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD 20791‐5456
•The Guidelines below should be followed to enable a quick reviewing process as well as to ensure that
cards are not offensive in any way to anyone who might receive one:
1. Please ensure all cards are signed
2. Please send cards as opposed to long letters which delay a quick review process
3.Please do not include e‐mail or home addresses on the cards as the program is not meant to foster pen pal
•Please do not insert photos, money, religious articles (i.e.‐rosary beads, prayer cards, etc), glitter, ‘snow’ or
like items in cards as these items will be removed during the reviewing process
•Phone cards or gift cards will not be accepted with cards. Those wishing to send calling cards or gift
cards/certificates should go to www.aafes.com, scroll down to “AAFES Community Connection” and click on
“Help Our Troops Call Home” or “Gift Cards/Certificates for Our Troops” in order to send such items
•No ‘Care Packages’ will be accepted at this address. Those wishing to send care packages should go to
www.AmericaSupportsYou.com and click under “Home front Groups” to find out how to send care packages
•Participants are requested not to send more than 25 cards from any one person or 50 cards from any one
•End Date of the Program: All cards must be postmarked no later than Wednesday, December 10, 2008
You have the power to make a military family's holidays a little brighter for the cost of a card and domestic postage - think about it.