Shopping my way to better health

So, I found these shoes and I'm pretty sure that I'm in love. They slip on so that's one less excuse for not getting out and going, they have a rollbar to help control my pronation problems for better stability, and they come in a wide width so I won't have to cram my chubby foot into a too-small shoe. The super extra cool bonus part (totally non-scientific) is that they're plain white so they'll go with everything!

Here's the deal...if I buy them, I need to start walking, so I'm making a pinky-swear promise to all of you that I will start walking the evening I receive these new shoes. I'll also post here to tell you about how the walk goes - check me on that, OK?


Suze said…
I have my stop watch out :)
M@rla said…
Ooh I love those shoes. LOVE the slip on aspect. And a good price.
Lori G. said…
I'm participating in a women's 4-miler TRAINING program (which is for a race) and it's hard for me to get in the practices. So I'll do my pinky swear that I'll do some and think that you're doing the same thing. :-)

Keep up the good work.
neca said…
I love New Balance shoes! I hope these work well for you and that you enjoy walking in your new neighborhood!

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