Happy Valentine's/Self-Love Day!

1.) You're gonna grab yourself a banner. If you don't like the one I've used in this post, you can find another one here.
2.) You're gonna post that banner and with it tell us all something that you really love about yourself (thus, the "self-love" portion of our program).
3.) Ask or beg your readers to post one thing that they too love about you!!! If your blog friends are nice, you shouldn't have to beg...much.
4.) Enjoy yourself and spread the love by doing this on your blog! You can optionally stop by and let me know you did it
OK, Step 1 is accomplished, so let's move on to Step 2. I love the way that a clever turn of phrase will randomly drop into my head. It's as though there's this awesome writer who lives just above me and, every once in a while, the paper from his/her typewriter separates itself from the rest and drifts gently into my head. I really have no idea where they come from and I'm always wishing I could find a way to share them (hence this site)...it's a great way to live.
As to Step 3, it's totally optional and I'm not sure I have the right to ask for anything given the spottiness of my recent posting (not to mention any readers left to ask), so do what you think is best. Step 4 isn't optional, however, so go forth and spread the self-love, people!
In more mundane Valentine's news, I received beautiful red roses from my husband yesterday. I get flowers on the 13th of every month for our anniversary, so this is a two-fer. More importantly, I got about 30 seconds of a phone conversation with him before the satellite connection died. Who knew that 30 seconds was more than enough time to tell your Valentine everything she needs to know? ("I love you. I miss you. I wish I were there. Be kind to yourself because you deserve it.") If you're fortunate enough to have more than 30 seconds of phone contact with your sweetheart today, please savor it for me, too.
Finally, from me to you...much love and happiness today and always.
Happy Valentine's Day, Denise!!
I passed on your idea on my blog too!
Sarah xxx