What's the best feeling in the entire world???
Answer: Successfully scheduling your first Maid Brigade appointment! Yea, yea, YAY Snackiepoo for hooking me up with these guys because they're very reasonable and didn't make me feel ashamed of my slovenly ways in the slightest. (Of course I will clean up and get rid of the clutter before they get to the house, but they will do the deep cleaning and that ought not be underestimated.)
I just came home to a clean house, mints and a comment card on my counter and my Maid Brigade calendar for the following year. I am glad they treated you right and you will have a sparkly home soon! Trust me, it will make you feel much better too :).
Hmmm... I wonder how much that would set me back?
I'd be too embarassed for maids to see how cluttery and messy my house is right now.
However, we're having company for Thanksgiving so that will give me incentive to do it.