It's all about me
Thursday night. Isn't the title of this post appropriate? I'm so completely self absorbed sometimes that it takes my breath away, but this time it's referring to the fact that the awkwardness I feel about my life and about being physical with someone (no, I'm not giving him a pseudonym yet...I'm very superstitious) is about me and what's in my head, not because of anything anyone else is giving off. When I feel badly about myself, I project that onto others and the reverse is true, too. Since that's so, I ought to be able to turn this ugly thing around and start thinking about myself in a more positive way, right? Honestly, I believe that just getting back into an exercise routine would go a long way to putting my head into a positive, nurturing frame of mind. Now to get that routine started. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, right? One step doesn't sound so scary.
Michele sent me.
Oh, and thanks for the tape tip! Duh. Why don't I think of these things???
- Mia
Then another.
Then another.
Come on! You can do it!
It's not the guy's fault, it's just my own frustration with dating coming through. If I could relax about those things, I think I would feel more confident and sexy.
Here via Ms. Michele.
On the exercise front, I have no advice to offer, since you know all the tricks and strategies better than anyone. So I'll just offer my support and good wishes from this side of the coast.
And if you figure out how to fix the self-perception issuees, feel free to share that knowledge with the rest of us!!!