Call off the search dogs!

Friday morning. Sorry to have done a Houdini on you, I've just been enjoying the blissful feeling of having no obligations other than work and working out. Yes, that's right, I've walked three nights in a row for 60 minutes each - quel miracle! In any case, I really haven't had too much to say, either, which contributed to my lack of posting.

Something I have been thinking about, though, is money. Gosh, wouldn't life be infinitely easier if we didn't have to think about finances? So stressful. Anyway, I've got to clean things up financially around here before my first car payment comes due because, as my current "budget" stands, I do not make enough every month to allow me to pay for the lovely car I am driving. Now, before anyone panics, I make plenty of money and ought to be able to cover the payment handily if only it weren't for my charmingly large credit card payment each and every month. I know, I know - credit cards are Satan's helper. I know this! I'm working on it, but in the meantime, it's pretty ugly. I'm facing the possibility of having to cancel my cable, my Netflix, and my cell or home phone for a few months so that I can keep my prepared meals because they are the single most important piece of my journey. I can live without cable, movies, and one of my phones, but I just can't do without my meals. Still, I shouldn't have to do without any of it because I (again) make plenty of money. Hence my first hand knowledge of just how evil credit cards are. Grrr.

I'm also starting to stress a little bit over next week's business trip. I have several things that I need to finish up before I leave and the time is ticking down. I'm only working a few hours today and then I'm going to meet with the social worker on my CASA case for the first time. Yes, I've been on the case for nearly three months now and am only just getting to meet her - it's been a really busy few months with work and everything else. Anyway, I'm really excited about it, and am glad to be taking the afternoon off, too. It won't help me finish things that I need to get done before next Tuesday at 8am, however. I also have to do my readings for class on Monday (several chapters of Employment Law information) plus the 3-5 page paper that's due. Then there's the very fact that I'll be in class until 10pm the night before flying out at 8am. Can you say "better pack Sunday night, Denise"? I thought you could!

Blah, blah, blah. This concludes the most boring entry ever. We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog reading.


deborah said…
I hear you, I'm in credit card hell myself. Living for years in Manhattan paying more rent than I could really afford took it's toll. I have now canceled all my CCs and am slowly paying them off. It's going to take a long time. In the meantime, my credit is all shot to hell. But I'm working on it and everything is current and under control (for the first time in pretty much ever). So, that's progress.
Kris said…
Credit cards. :( I hope I pay mine off before I retire in 35 years. ACK!! Hmmm... scary.
brent said…
i wish i had those meals available in my neck of the woods, they look really good! (are they good?) mmm. i'm doing a mostly frozen meal plan right now but the food is getting boring very quickly! actually this week i'll be doing some Lean Cuis1ne action instead of what i'm technically supposed to be doing. LC's are ok i guess...

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