A picture...

is worth 30 pounds!

Here's the scoop (from my 8/29 entry):
'I am putting together a 14K gold charm bracelet to represent my achievements in losing weight and gaining health. So far, I have the bracelet (1st ten pounds - 246) and one charm, a cherub holding onto a heart, to symbolize that this is about cultivating love for myself (2nd ten pounds - 236). The charm that I bought today is a little can of mustard seeds, with "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, nothing shall be impossible unto you" imprinted on it, to remind me that I can move this mountain in front of me, no matter how insurmountable it looks.'
So, this was my (not so clever) way of telling everyone I'd reached the 30 pounds (I'm at 224 as of this morning, in fact) lost mark. Incidentally, my best friend, Tracy, has already bought me my third charm, as a birthday present, so I really need to earn it before 10/12, otherwise I'm going to look pretty silly sitting there with an unopened birthday present around Thanksgiving. It's definitely do-able, as long as I don't have any sort of meltdowns between now and then. I've got a potluck at work next week (meldown opportunity #1) and a trip to DC for work for a week from 10/5 to 10/10 (meltdown opportunity #2), so if I can pass through those tests without major binges AND keep up my current activity level, I think I'll do it.