One, two, three, FOUR days on plan!

Yes, it's true. Another day on plan, and it just keeps getting easier. I'm a little nervous about how easy it's been, actually, but I'm not questioning it.

I know the site is a little funky, but I like the colors and the bones of the design. We'll see how much I can "fix up" between now and the end of the month. Don't panic if you hate it because I'll be either back to my everyday look or on to another seasonal theme for March.

Weeks until Rock and Roll Marathon: 18
Exercise yesterday: 40 minutes walking
Days on plan: 4
Goals / Rewards:
* Finish Rock and Roll Marathon in 7:45 or less / Buy Boden coat
* Lose 11 pounds by March 9 / Get a massage at the Flamingo Hilton


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